Friday, May 30, 2008

1.Charlotte's Take on Religion 2.Good new song hey Sue

I have lots to blog about, mostly relating to how busy I am (stop the world I want to get off!!!!).

Anyway it's all good, work's brilliant, the new house is coming like Christmas, and I'm itching to do T's tag and will get to that over the weekend.

Blog post part 1.

One thing that stands out from this week is a comment from Charlotte, so much so that it requires it's own post, not just an updated "Quote of the Week"

Charlotte is at an Anglican school and has religion once a week. She came home from school this week night and announced

"Jesus died on the cross you know mum"

So I said "yes he did Charlotte do you know why?" (always thinking a bit of extension work is good even if it is Religion)

To which she answered

"because the 3 wise men didn't like babies"

Hmm I'm thinking she missed something along the line, my goodness it was just the funniest thing I have ever heard!!!!!!!

Blog Post Part 2

Meanwhile, just for Sue who can't handle my current song, I've given VERY careful consideration to a new song - since you don't like my last one Grinder, I hope you enjoy this one (ROFLMFAO of course, you know my musical taste is on a GIFTED level don't you)


Emma-Kate Castricum said...

Cooper goes to a Catholic school and asked me the other day what God looked like. I said I don't really know darling what do you think. He's reply was 'when I think of God I think of him and Jesus sitting on sunchairs on the beach in Bali' OKAY! I thought, not quite sure how I was meant to answer that one.


Georgie said...

Emma, that is totally hilarious!!!Sounds like Cooper and Charlotte would make a good pair!

motherjules said...

Whats with the misic G??It keeps butting in and scaring the living daylights out of me . How do you stop it or change the track so it does not keep repeating the same line??Making you mind up. Ido it all the time. Great to catch up with the latest pics. Thanks for the good one of me. Now all your frinds can see where your good looks came from.Love to allXXXX

Sue J said...

So, if I post something scathing, will you change it already?! Gotta admit, this little sample is still not ringing in my head as badly as the last, but I prefer your penchant for power ballads ;) Maybe you should start at the top of your tag list and work your way through....

Btw, I reckon Char and Soph would get on like two airheads on fire LOL It's a wonder the girl isn't having nightmares about babies nailed to crosses - here's some frankicence, now pass me the hammer... yikes!