Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The End of An Era aka The Big Last Wednesday

I start full time work next week. Ever since the kids were born I have pretty much worked 3-4 days a week, with 2 weeks holiday at Christmas.
Amongst all the business of being a working mum, Wednesdays were my day with the kids. Charlotte did Fairy Ballet, the kids went swimming, grocery shopping was done and both went to Kindergym with the best leader on the planet Trisha.
Today marked the last Wednesday (or mummy day as Gus calls it) before Mummy days get canned because I will be working. And I'm sad about it.
So this is a pity party post for me. I want to document our last mummy day for a while. This is totally lame because I deliberately chose a job with mega holidays and flexi time, so I'm sure it won't be long before Angus and I have another mummy day, it just won't necessarily be on a Wednesday.
So the morning began with a little sleep in, as Wednesdays do, as all we have to do is get Charlotte to school by 8:40am, cruisy as. I accidentally slammed Angus's foot in the school gate on the way out so he probably won't miss that!
We then went to Kmart, sorry make that "KMark". We go there to buy birthday presents, pjs, socks and jocks etc and somehow the little fella always manages to twist my rubber arm and get a toy, just a little toy, please mum I've been so good. Today was no exception. He was a great help carting those 6 bags of bean bag beans though. MIL has bought 2 divine new bean bags for the new house and we needed to get the beans to go with them. MIL is officially nutso buying more bean bags as this is what happened to a bean bag on Angus's birthday last year

On the way out he conned me into a ride on a jetski thing (as he always does, isn't working mother's guilt a fabulous thing?), and we found the horn on it, so Angus pressed it and yelled out at the top of his voice "MOVE IDIOTS!!!!!!!!!!!". I was horrified and said "don't yell out rude words like that" and he replied with "but you say it when you beep your horn". Jeez kids make you laugh don't they.

We went to Kindergym, went to Hungry Jack's for lunch and booked his birthday party there at the same time, then watched telly together, picked up Charlotte and
came home.

I'm so lucky, and so is Gus, that my mum is picking up the slack so mummy day will be Granny day on Wednesdays now. She'll take him to kindergym and probably buy him 2 toys and give him 3 rides and he won't miss a thing.

But I'll miss our Wednesdays Gussy, love you xxxxx


Emma-Kate Castricum said...

Oh Georgie poor you,

I love Mummy days so much whenever Coop looks slightly pale I keep him home from school so he 'can't spread it' and then we take off to Starbucks and explore the city all the while knowing he's fine.

Love the bit about having to buy just a 'small toy' each time you shop, it sounds like my lot.

What a shame Angus will be without a foot!! Thout that was great.


Emma-Kate Castricum said...

Ps, your kids have such gorgeous names!

Kate said...

Oh Georgie - I want you to be my mummy!! What great mummy days you have....I would be feeling sad if I were you too.

So, what is the new job? I am curious. I just couldn't imagine working full time - although Stan imagines me working full time!! - I like my ME day - which is tomorrow by the way - love it!


motherjules said...

Dear Georgie, Just think how lucky you have been to at least have had a mummy day just as i have been to have a granny day for the past 5 years. Guilt is good/ 1/ it makes you appreciate the special time you have 2/you can always blame grandma for those special "small" toys you know they really are conning you to buy and you feel that you are a good mum when you appreciate them at the end of the day!!!I look forward to my remaining granny days before Angus goes to Kindy.Good luck with your job. The boss better lift his/her game as youll be breathing down their files!!Happy Mothers Day

motherjules said...

Isnt Working Mothers Guilt marvellous. You are fortunate to have had the opportunity for Mummy days and to share the ups and downs and experiences together.You can even blame granny for those small toys, and treats that are all partof spoiling our perfect children. Guilt gives us patience and many happy memories.Iam fortunate to have my granny days and look forward to my time supporting you and Nick with my involvement with C&A .Happy Mothers day