Loooooooong hot day......Nick's away all this week for work so I'm playing single mum. To assist with my various shortcomings in being a single fulltime working mum, compounded by 2 hours of road rage a day while driving through ridiculous traffic because of the blardy touring car race which has seen half the streets of Adelaide close.....well I've done what any sane single mum would do and that's run home to mummy's house. Well her spare house. Well actually I call it Jules's private kindy cos she is a retired kindergarten director and it's all set up for kiddy fun!
Gawd it's been nice, mum's labelled it my respite week. Here at mum's you don't have to go up and down stairs a million times a day, take half an hour to find the kids and worry about crumbs dropping on the ultra clean floor of the ultra clean house that is the in-laws place.
Oh no, last night we created havoc - I masterfully cooked a McCains pizza while masterfully knocking off a bottle of wine, the kids played with Play-Doh inside, painted in the kitchen, pulled out every toy they own and generally had a lovely relaxing time. And tonight I really outdid myself and made gourmet schnitzels with eggs and chocolate thickshakes while the kids ripped out more toys and books.
And now they are asleep, and I've been tidying up - kinda - mum's coming down in the morning to look after Angus while I work. Sorry in advance for the mess mum xxx
Hey masterful one, were the kids' play-doh and paint creations masterful too? LOL Not to worry if they're not, they are just tooo adorable for words asleep anyway ;) Have I told you lately how good you have it?? (road rage notwithstanding) - Southfork, private kindy etc ;) Did you get a cool change today? We've gone from 34 to 16 here!
Sue J
Oh Grinder those creations had all the markings of a gifted AND genius child. ROFLMFAO. Charlotte masterfully mixed all the play-doh up and I think the result is very reminiscent of "Blue Poles".
It got better tonight too, mum's taken Angus back to the farm till Friday so it's just me and Charlotte, who masterfully showed me how to make an omelette tonight.
Anyway better go cos "Underbelly" is starting soon :P and yes I had a jumper on today!!!!!!!!!
Gifted! That's all there is to it! It obviously runs in the family :D :D :D
Cool change here too brrrr!
Ahh yes, the masterful McCain's pizza, home cooked delight.
I recall my son proudly telling someone, 'My mum, she buys really good cakes.'
And I do you know, I really do.
Ahh yes, the masterful McCain's pizza, home cooked delight.
I recall my son proudly telling someone, 'My mum, she buys really good cakes.'
And I do you know, I really do.
Crackup Susannah, my kids get this look of fear on their faces when Nick goes away - last time it was "oh no what will we eat you can't cook mum"
I can bloody cook I just don't
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